I am not afraid to ask questions. Not only do I readily admit ignorance, but I am quick to ask for help from experts. Consequently, I have received many great bits of information and advice throughout the years and every New Year's Eve I always look back on those bits of information and advice. Like most folks, I find standing at a temporal crossroads makes me reflective. I don't know why but this year I finally noticed two threads of commonality in the two best pieces of advice ever handed to me- they were unsolicited and given to me by plucky old ladies.
The first great bit of life guidance came ironically at a funeral. I vividly recall my meeting with Mrs. E at my Great-Aunt Ceil's wake. Mrs. E was a neighbor of my mother's from when she lived in Brooklyn. The woman must have been around 4 feet tall but she somehow managed to get me in a headlock, press my head into her ample bosom and whisper in my ear, "Do you want to know the secret to a long life?" Without waiting for my reply (which was a good thing since I was running out of air), Mrs. E looked around to make sure no one else was listening and told me, "A hot toddy, every night before bed." Considering at last check, she was still alive pressing unsuspecting bystanders into her breasts, this is a piece of advice that I have filed away for future use.
Getting married and having kids opened a whole new area for the advice givers in my life. Take for instance, the Christmas card I received this year from John's Great- Aunt G. I admit that I am a major dork who enjoys getting Christmas cards. Despite this enjoyment, I did feel some trepidation when I opened a card from John's great aunt and found a letter in it. You see, when John and I were newly married I received a letter from Aunt G. I was a little surprised when I looked at the envelope and saw it was addressed solely to me. I had never met the woman. She was too far away and a little too old to make the trip to our wedding. Plus, she had already given us a card extending her good wishes for our lives together. Curiously, I tore open the envelope and pulled out a longish handwritten letter. I remember thinking how nice it was to actually get a handwritten note. Sadly, it has become something of a lost art. Again, I thought it a little odd that she would take the time to write me and that she had so much to say. Well, Aunt G had taken the time to provide me with VERY DETAILED advice on how to get pregnant with a boy or a girl. Once I got over the shock, I have to admit I found it kind of sweet. Apparently, Aunt G writes to all the newlyweds that she knows and outlines the same plan. I saved the letter and it is now in Alice's baby book. So, when I found a letter in Aunt G's Christmas card to us, I jokingly said to John, "I bet it is a repeat of the advice since we now have two girls." We laughed and I proceeded to read the letter aloud. Well, let's just say, I was right. I guess Aunt G felt we needed a refresher course on baby making as we got two of the same sex. While I am a little mortified that Aunt G thinks John and I need Baby Making for Dummies at least now I have a letter for Angela's baby book.
Ladies, although I did not try out Aunt G's advice, here is her method for making a boy or girl. Apparently you need to have sex on the first full moon following your period. For a boy you then need to sleep on your right side. For a girl you need to sleep on your left. According to Aunt G what the male does "doesn't matter."