Monday, July 30, 2012

Yet More Reasons My Hair Is Turning Gray- Besides Genetics

"Too smart for her own good." 

I used to wonder how an overabundance of intelligence could ever be considered a bad thing.  In an age when stupidity seems to reign supreme, one would think some smarts would be a major plus.

And then I gave birth to Angela.

I am oftentimes amazed at Angela's astuteness.  Take for instance, a mere half an hour ago.  I was putting clean sheets on Alice's bed.  Angela was upstairs in her own room.  I kept hearing her door open and shut.  Nothing drives me more batty than kids playing with doors.  All I could picture was Angela's finger caught in the door jam.  Damn, when did I turn into my mother?!  Anyway, I let the first openings and closings go before issuing the warningNo sooner did the words leave my mouth then I heard another round of open and shut. 

"Angela,"  I hollered.  "Quit it with the door!" 

Before I drew my next breath, Angela was behind me trying to look innocent.

"Mommy, I didn't do it."

"Oh, really?"  I said sarcastically.  "Then who did it?"  Her sister was downstairs dancing to a Yo Gabba Gabba CD.  Checkmate...get out of this one kiddo.

"My hand."

Lord, help me.  I think this kid is going to be a politician.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fashion Critic

Needed background: Angela loves the Fancy Nancy books/character.  Lately, she continually asks, "Do I look fancy?" multiple times a day. 

This morning John came down the stairs to head off to work.  I thought he looked rather handsome in his executive attire, so I asked Angela, "Do you think that Daddy looks fancy today?"

"No, he looks bleach," she replied complete with tongue out and nose wrinkled up.

I told John not to worry.  It was a sign he looked good.  If she complimented his outfit then he should go change.  A pink boa and tirara, items that would garner Angela's fancy thumb's up, would not be appropriate office attire.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Backseat Conversations

Alice is a nonstop chatterbox.  Heck, she even talks in her sleep.  I know this because she sought the warm comfort of Mommy and Daddy's bed after a disturbing nightmare last night.  Interestingly, my peaceful sleep was not interrupted by her entrance.  I woke up a few hours later when she started talking about brushing her teeth (?!) while she was asleep.  As if my peaceful moments were not limited enough by Alice, now Angela has become much more conversant these days (Lord, help me).  Thankfully the girls spend a great deal of their time talking to each other.  Consequently, I am privy to some mighty odd chats.  I am not sure why, but many of these "did I hear that right?" moments happen while we are in the car.

Today was no exception.  We were driving back home after church.  Angela was babbling away to her sister.  "Alice, do you like my dress?"

"Yes, Angela.  I like your dress," Alice replied.

"Alice, do you like my eyes?"  Angela asked.

"Yes, Angela.  I like your eyes."

"Alice, do you like my...Mommy, what this?"  I turned around to see Angela pointing to her eyebrows.

"They are eyebrows, honey," I answered.

"Alice, do you like my eyebrows?"  Angela continued.

John and I chuckled a bit at this peculiar question, especially when Alice answered it seriously.  "Yes, Angela.  I like your eyebrows."

The inquisition continued.  "Alice, do you like my butt?"

"No," Alice said shortly.

Angela looked quizzically at her sister.  The negative answer threw her a bit, but not for long.  The next (and hilarious) question came.  "Because it is stinky?"

I did not hear Alice's answer.  John and I were laughing too loudly.