Sunday, December 5, 2010

Screwups with the Nativity Set- Part Deux

I have not been the best Catholic in the last few years.  I pray, but I have not been to church in a long while, mainly because the thought of keeping two kids still and quite for an hour makes me break out in hives.  Still, I try to take those "teachable moments" when I can and explain elements of the faith that a little one can grasp.  Unfortunately, last year my explanation of the Nativity set fell on deaf ears.  I had given birth a little over seven months ago.  I guess the addition of Angela was so fresh in her mind that Alice, then three, was convinced the Holy Family was a representation of our family.  She even connected family member names to the shepherd and the Magi   Poor Uncle Joe and Aunt Louise got the short shrift.  Alice ran out of figurines so they became, collectively, the ass.  Never one to admit defeat, I decided to try again this year.  Alice was a year older and I purchased the Fisher Price Nativity set complete with the inn at Bethlehem, the stable, and the Magi.  There are so many people, habitations and animals that upon seeing it set up John asked if I purchased "the whole town of Bethlehem."
As I unpacked the set and told Alice the story of Christ's birth, I was happy to notice that she seemed to comprehend it better than last year.  I was also happy with the durability of the set which has survived the explorations of her and her sister.  And then yesterday morning any hope I held for Alice's religious education died out.  I found her holding Tinkerbell over the stable so Tinkerbell could sprinkle some pixie dust over it.  Hmmm....frankincense, gold, myrrh and pixie dust...I guess it could work.  Later in the afternoon, I found Woody from Toy Story at the inn of Bethlehem.  Oh well, maybe next year.