Saturday, January 3, 2009

My living room is here somewhere…

Let me start off by saying I am not a neat freak, although current nesting practices/freak outs might call that statement into question. For a while I think my husband John worried about staying in one place for too long for fear I would clean him with bleach, find a better place for him elsewhere in the house or put him by the curb along with the recycling. I try to practice the adage, “My house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.” At least, this was the case, and then Alice turned into a tornado…I mean toddler.

Sometimes I wander through the house wondering what the hell happened. I tidy things up and no sooner do I leave the room then it looks cluttered and messy again. For a while I thought mischievous fairies were at work. It seemed impossible that one toddler could cause such chaos but unfortunately that is the case. I don’t think there is a room in the house that does not bare her mark in the form of toys, discarded clothing, board books, and whatnot. I shower with rubber ducks and squirt toys. I eat with Spongebob Squarepants. I found pirate Pablo from the Backyardigans in my shoe the other day.

Thankfully the people who come to visit us have children too so they find our home (not necessarily the occupants) perfectly normal. Those who don’t have kids probably view our home as a form of birth control. It is rather nice to know that our house after four years finally looks “lived in” and acts as a public service announcement.


  1. You should see my house - you'd probably feel a lot better about yours! (Jen from book/mommy group)

  2. Maura, this is fantastic. I'll enjoy following your blog.

    Amy (from the Porch)
