Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nice to Know I Am Not the Only One

More often than not, I am the primary audience of my children's oddities. The result...sometimes I feel like I am losing my mind. Consequently, I was happy to learn from my sister that David, her husband and the girls' uncle, was on the receiving end of a few Angela-isms.

Last Sunday, Alice had a dance competition. My parents, being the awesome folks they are, took pity on John and me and agreed to watch Angela for the duration of the competition. As much as Angela loves both dance and her sister, I doubt she would happily watch about five hours worth of performances. David came over to my parents' house to lend a hand.

Over the course of the day, Angela and David had some interesting conversations. For instance, out of nowhere, Angela informed her uncle that she does not like boys. When he questioned her further, she told him, "I don't like them because at school they are always stepping on my feet."

However, the true gem of the day occurred when Angela got her uncle a glass of water. He was very appreciative and thanked her for her thoughtfulness. In response, Angela proceeded to tell her beloved uncle, "it is poison."

Don't wasn't...

Regardless, if someone just told me that boys were on her shit list, I would not have accepted anything from her if I had a penis.

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