Sunday, December 16, 2012

Communion- It Does the Body Good

Since Alice started CCD this year, John and I have become much more consistent about going to church.  It is nice to be back.  I am not a born again or anything like that; but, it is nice to carve out some time out for quiet contemplation weekly.  Still, despite these generally positive feelings about church, I still find going to be a little stressful. 

Angela is a crapshoot. 

Unfortunately, my strong belief in God does not mirror my faith in weekly mass being uneventful.    This uncertainty began three years ago during Easter mass.  During the profession of faith,  Alice pledged her alligence to Satan.  Just a few weeks ago, Angela split my lip during the kiss of peace.  I bent down to give her a kiss on the top of her head and she jumped up at the same time.  My lower teeth rammed into my top lip and split it open.  There is nothing like dashing through a church with blood shooting from your mouth. 

Regardless, ever the optimist, I go to mass each week wondering if this will be the beginning of uneventful mass attendence.  We did not make it through this week without an incident.  Thankfully, this one was more humorous than bloody. 

Little Ms. Chatterbox (Angela) noticed all the people in front of us lining up for communion.

"Mama, where are those people going?"  she asked.

"They are going up for communion," I answered.

"I go?"

"You walk up with me like you have done before, but you cannot receive communion until you are older," I informed her.

She looked thoughtful for a moment while she watched the people returning to their seats.  "Mommy, communion made all those people big and strong."

I chuckled and told her that it might have sprititually but not bodily.

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