Saturday, October 6, 2012


I finally relented and let Alice join the mini company at her dance studio.  I do not have anything against dancing.  She has been doing it for three years now.  I was initially reticent because I wanted her to experience other activities too.  Now that she is in school full time, and has homework, her free time is very limited.  Four hours of dance a week seemed a bit much.

Until her ballet teacher talked to me and explained (rather passionately) that Alice really belonged with the company dancers.  Hearing this from her (and not the owners who would gain financially from Alice's program switch) caused me to amend my initial stance.  I filled in the paperwork and registered Alice for her new dance program. 

Later that evening, I read over the policies and code of conduct paperwork.  I saw that Alice had a new dance uniform.  Good-bye leotard and tights combo.  Hello dancer shorts with sports bar.  I have to admit I cringed a little when I read the clothing (or lack thereof) requirements.  Now, the logical and cultured side of me understands the need for such brevity of attire.  How else can a teacher or competition judge assess form and position?  I do understand the aesthetics of the thing.  But, then there is the mom side of me.  That part is internally screaming, "UGH....SHE IS NAKED....I CAN SEE A BIT OF HER BUTT CHEEKS...UGH!!!!!"

Nevertheless, being the rules oriented person I am, I went to a local dancer supplies store and got the required uniform.  Since this store caters to child and adult dancers, I asked the saleswoman for a bit of help finding Alice's top.  She combed the racks and pulled out a very minuscule gold lame top.  I am not really sure why she thought I would go for this one.  I do not think that the Uggs, cargo pants and Pugs and Roses t-shirt I was wearing gave off the vibe that this is a woman who purchases gold lame things.

"Do you have anything less tacky?"  I asked.

Thankfully they did (and the saleswoman laughed at my question).  I walked out of the store with the requisite tiny pieces of cloth.  At least I can take solace in the fact Alice is flat as a board.  There are no charms to display- for now.

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