Saturday, October 13, 2012

Magic Word

Angela is on a half day schedule with preschool.  The result- I have one of my partners in crime around for the afternoon.  I actually like having her home with me for part of the day.  For the most part, she is pretty chill.  Angela really enjoys her solo downtime.  She has the television, the toys, and me all to herself.  Sometimes I almost forget that she is home.  I think most of my mom friends would agree that the joy of the youngest child is their self sufficiency.  This is hyper developed due to the never ending quest of keeping up with their older sibling (s).  I also find that Angela's play is much more imaginative than Alice's was at this age.  Again, this is due to the example of her older sister, whose flights of fancy not only require a passport but a visa too. 

All of this reinforced itself Wednesday afternoon.  I was in the kitchen putting various ingredients into the slow cooker for dinner.  Angela came into the kitchen with a handful of toys.  She had a toy pet carrier complete with a stuffed bunny inside, a pirate ship, a resin figurine of Max (the dog from The Little Mermaid) and Tiana ( from The Princess and the Frog).  From what I could gather, the bunny was locked in a cave containing treasure.  In a blend of altruism and greed, Max and Tiana were trying to rescue their friend and get the treasure.  Unfortunately, a magic spell was placed on the cave and the daring duo could not penetrate it.  I suggested that perhaps the friends use a magic word themselves to break the spell and open the cave.

Angela agreed with my suggestion.  She arranged Max and Tiana at the mouth of the cave and had the two utter the most powerful magic word that she knows-  "Please!"

It is nice to know that all my demands for politeness are sinking in.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Let's Keep This Treasure Buried

Having both girls in school, at least for the morning, has spoiled me a bit.  I can shop alone (gasp).  I can browse, contemplate, and compare to my heart's content.  Shopping does not need to be a blitzkrieg anymore.

The other key reasons why I enjoy solo shopping is the lack of embarrassment.  I keenly remembered this reason last Friday while standing on line with Angela at Kohl's.  We had reached the front of the line and we were waiting for the next available cashier.  I glanced down at Angela who had become unexpectedly quiet.  She was happily picking her nose.

I gently pushed her hand away from her nose and reminded her that, "We don't pick, honey."

Angela looked up at me. "But, Mommy," she implored as she showed me her finger.  "I found treasure."

Saturday, October 6, 2012


I finally relented and let Alice join the mini company at her dance studio.  I do not have anything against dancing.  She has been doing it for three years now.  I was initially reticent because I wanted her to experience other activities too.  Now that she is in school full time, and has homework, her free time is very limited.  Four hours of dance a week seemed a bit much.

Until her ballet teacher talked to me and explained (rather passionately) that Alice really belonged with the company dancers.  Hearing this from her (and not the owners who would gain financially from Alice's program switch) caused me to amend my initial stance.  I filled in the paperwork and registered Alice for her new dance program. 

Later that evening, I read over the policies and code of conduct paperwork.  I saw that Alice had a new dance uniform.  Good-bye leotard and tights combo.  Hello dancer shorts with sports bar.  I have to admit I cringed a little when I read the clothing (or lack thereof) requirements.  Now, the logical and cultured side of me understands the need for such brevity of attire.  How else can a teacher or competition judge assess form and position?  I do understand the aesthetics of the thing.  But, then there is the mom side of me.  That part is internally screaming, "UGH....SHE IS NAKED....I CAN SEE A BIT OF HER BUTT CHEEKS...UGH!!!!!"

Nevertheless, being the rules oriented person I am, I went to a local dancer supplies store and got the required uniform.  Since this store caters to child and adult dancers, I asked the saleswoman for a bit of help finding Alice's top.  She combed the racks and pulled out a very minuscule gold lame top.  I am not really sure why she thought I would go for this one.  I do not think that the Uggs, cargo pants and Pugs and Roses t-shirt I was wearing gave off the vibe that this is a woman who purchases gold lame things.

"Do you have anything less tacky?"  I asked.

Thankfully they did (and the saleswoman laughed at my question).  I walked out of the store with the requisite tiny pieces of cloth.  At least I can take solace in the fact Alice is flat as a board.  There are no charms to display- for now.