Thursday, September 29, 2011


Until about five minutes ago, I always thought that I had excellent handwriting.

Alice and I were working together on a homework sheet for her Kindergarten enrichment class.  Together we sounded out the letters for the word "book".  As Alice paired the sounds and letters, I wrote them on a piece of paper.  Alice looked at my printed "book" and informed me that it "looked like a butt."  Misunderstanding her reference, I wrote out " B   U   T   T" on the paper next to the word "book".

"Alice, 'book' does not look like 'butt',"  I told her.

She laughed and pointed to the "oo" in book.  "Mommy, your letters look like a butt."

With new comprehension, I looked at my printed "book" and realized that Alice was correct.  I also realized that for the last (fill in the blank) years, I have apparently been mooning my readers whenever I had an "oo" word in handwritten notes.  I feel like I should blush, but to hell with modesty.  Folks should be happy it is just letters and not the real thing.

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