Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As I watch my offspring go about their day, I often feel like Jane Goodall studying gorillas. Their behavior is heartwarming, frustrating, and baffling. For instance, I always know when Alice is tired because she starts stroking her hair. She has done this since infancy (only then it was my hair as she did not have enough of her own). Yes, my hair was her "transitional object" as the experts have dubbed it. Sometimes it was annoying; but, I have to admit, there were perks to her love of my hair. I always had it with me was the major one. How many times have I seen a distressed parent in search of a missing (fill in the blank)? Another Alice quirk is her tendency to walk on her toes when she is happy. It reminds me of a dog wagging her tail. If she is not on her toes, I know to be on mine and step warily.


Perhaps, because Alice is older, her foibles make much more sense to me. I have had longer to study them. Right now, Angela has me completely baffled with her love of onions, more particularly, her need to place them throughout the house. I find them everywhere- the playroom, the bathroom, on my favorite chair. Once I found one with teeth marks in it. Boy, would I have loved to have seen her face after that taste. I know I could move my root vegetable drawer, but that is not the issue. Yes, I have a drawer solely for root veggies. My husband chalks it up to my Irish heritage. I need to figure out her purpose here. If it were garlic, I would figure she was protecting us from vampires, but I am unsure if onions offer any protection against the undead. Any thoughts?


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