Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh, #@&$!

I was dreading this day. I knew it was going to happen. Alice dropped the F bomb.

After years of teaching high school, I am extremely conscious about the words that fall from my lips. Let's face it, people would most likely look down upon a teacher (an English teacher no less) who used profanity regularly in class. I often thanked the gods that people are not like cartoons because if my students knew the mental dialogue that ran through my mind 99.9% of the time they would have been shocked. Since, as the proverbial phrase goes, "old habits die hard", I regularly say "shoot" and "fudge" when I want to say something different. Since John mainly works with adults, who don't melt when a profanity slips, he has not had to ever worry about checking his language. And thus we see why I had the following conversation with my daughter:

I am driving home after picking up Alice from preschool. Both kiddies are strapped into their respective car seats and the Cars soundtrack in on the radio. A moronic (writer is being kind here) driver decides to just reverse out of her driveway without actually checking to see if (gasp) cars are driving along the main road. I blare on the horn and slightly swerve the car to avoid getting hit.

Me: Idiot!

Alice: Fuck!

Me: What did you say, Alice?

Alice: Fuck.

Me: Honey, that is a naughty word. We don't use words like that.

Alice: Daddy does.

Me: (internally) Oh, shit.


  1. I will never forget when my 4 year old said the "F" word in the grocery store. I blame it on her father and his friends. Her dad was in the military and those sailors do have quit the potty mouth.

  2. We've explained over and over about how it's not appropriate for kids to say certain words that adults say. Now they just say them when they think we're not listening. Better her first time with you than with her teacher or pediatrician, right?

  3. Ryan's first words were "you Old Fart!" That is like the "F" word on the roads in Florida..
