I have been really amused by Alice's play of late. She likes to impose herself into various constructs. For instance, while looking at the Where's Santa book my mother-in-law gave her, Alice told me, "I'm the baby rabbit (the book featured baby Loony Tunes characters). When I asked her why she was the rabbit, she replied, "Because I like carrots." When she watches Word World, she tells me, "I'm the duck, you're the sheep, Peanut's the ant, and Daddy's the pig." I find this new practice amusing, but it really cracked me up around Christmas time when Alice discovered the Nativity set.
I waited until right before Christmas to set up the Nativity. I had a feeling I would find the figurines all over the house and I did not want anything broken. While I unwrapped each piece from its protective paper, Alice, of course, came over to investigate. The former teacher in me thought this might be a good "teaching moment" to introduce the concept of religion and the chief players in Christianity. I started with Jesus.
"Alice, this is Jesus," I said, showing her the infant.
"No Mommy. It's Peanut."
No matter how many times I tried to correct her, she kept correcting me. Finally, I decided to see who was who according to the Gospel of Alice. The cast went as follows:
Jesus- Peanut
Mary- me
Joseph- John
Three Wise Men- Alice, Grandma, PopPop
Lamb- Puggie
Cow- Aunt Louise and Uncle Joe (Initially, my sister in law was a little saddened that Alice saw her as part of the cow. I told her it could be worse. She could be part of an ass.)
Shepherd- Aunt Megan
Yep, all those years of Catholic school are having such a great effect on my kid.